Mail ricevuta in data 20 febbraio 2020, spedita dall’ESGA.

Agis farà sapere al più presto ogni novità in merito.

“Cancellations of Masters Tournament 2020  in Switzerland

Totally unexpected we received under mentioned letter from the Swiss Association, announcing that they will not be able to organize the 2020 Master and Super Masters tournament in Switzerland.

In the meantime, we are seriously looking for an alternative, obviously not in Switzerland, and we do hope to have clarity about the possibilities in the forthcoming 2 weeks, and will inform you accordingly.

Anyway, if there could  be found a good alternative, it will not be on the same projected dates (2nd - 5th of June 2020), but at least a month later.

We will keep you informed

On behalf of the Board of ESGA,


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